Shabbat is the highlight of the week for our members. Dress is casual. The Rabbi asks a different person each week to light the candles.

Congregants are encouraged to join in singing the prayers and blessings. Our weekly Shabbat Services are every Friday evening at 6:00 pm. Services are preceded by Kiddush in the foyer outside the Chapel. Following services, those who choose to do so meet for dinner at a nearby restaurant. Other regular Shabbat programming includes an adult education offering, held most Fridays before services at 5:00 pm. In addition, we sometimes feature a speaker from the congregation or community on a wide range of topics.
Music by Theo
Our services are made particularly meaningful by Theo Wren, who leads us in song every Friday.
Donations for a Life Cycle Event
If you are are already a member of Temple Israel, you are welcome to make donations to honor friends and loved ones, or celebrate important lifecycle events, using Venmo, our secure account at PayPal, or a check.